Why Is Cat Always Hungry? – 5 Main Reasons

Have you ever wondered why your cat is constantly hungry? It’s not just you. As a cat owner, you are aware that taking your cat to the vet implies they haven’t eaten in a day or so. But did you know that a cat who is constantly hungry could be an indication of both physical and mental health issues? The question, “Why is my cat always hungry?” has several answers. the second thing to keep in mind is why cats are constantly hungry.

1. Cat has worms

Is your cat always hungry? Roundworms can mean a cat who is always hungry, because the worms are taking all the nutrition from his food before he can get it. Ironically, a roundworm-infested cat may look fat, as the parasites cause his body to swell.

Roundworms are contagious to humans, so if you suspect your cat has them, bring a fecal sample to your vet to have it tested.

2. Cat has hyperthyroidism or diabetes

These diseases both cause a vast increase in appetite: hyperthyroidism does so because your cat’s metabolism is burning too many calories, and diabetes because your cat’s body can’t convert sugar to energy — and the nutrition doesn’t even get into his body in the first place. If your cat is always hungry, eating constantly and still losing weight, and especially if he’s also drinking a lot of water, get him to the vet as soon as possible. A cat who won’t stop eating might just be bored or hungry.

3. Cat feels lonely or bored

A simple answer to, “Why is my cat always hungry?” Just like humans, some cats will eat because they’re bored. The solution to this problem is to provide your cat with more stimulation and to stop leaving kibble out for him to munch on, or free feeding him, all day. If you want to have a supply of food available, provide it in puzzle toys, which will make your cat work for his meal. This will help him burn calories and keep his mind engaged.Popular Read:  Why Does My Cat Scratch The Sides Of The Litter Box? – Simple Explanation

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Be sure to provide other intellectually-stimulating toys (or maybe even a kitty friend) to keep his mind off his dish. You can also buy automatic feeders, which provide access to a set amount of food at set times of day.

4. Cat feels depressed

Is your cat always hungry? As in humans, overeating can be a self-soothing behavior for cats who are depressed or grieving. I’ve seen this happen: I once met a couple who had a cat they’d exiled to the basement after their baby was born. In response, the cat started eating to self-soothe, and the result was incredibly sad.

If your cat is depressed, try drawing him out of his shell with gentle interactive play. Give him “love blinks” — close your eyes slowly, leave them closed for a second, and then open them slowly, while thinking “I love you.”

5. Cat does not get enough nutrition

You know how when you eat fast food, you’re usually hungry an hour later no matter how much you ate? Unsurprisingly, another answer to, “Why is my cat always hungry?” is that poor-quality cat food can have the same effect on your cat. And like a person who eats a lot of fast food or who can only afford starchy foods, your cat will eat and eat because he can’t satisfy the true hunger (for nutrients) at the root of his desire to eat.

Another thing to keep in mind “Why is cat constantly hungry?”

Cats’ stomachs are extremely small: a couple of tablespoons of canned or raw food or (not and) a third of a cup of kibble per feeding is about all a cat needs to stay fit and healthy. Of course, if your cat is a 20-pound Maine Coon, he’ll need a lot more food than a petite Singapore, so be sure to work with your vet to figure out the most appropriate amount to feed your feline friend. Popular Read:  Why Does My Cat Scratch The Sides Of The Litter Box? – Simple Explanation

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