A starchy vegetable that is farmed and consumed all throughout the world is corn, often known as maize. Around 10,000 years ago, corn was initially cultivated in Mexico before being introduced to North and South America as well as Europe.
Although corn is a safe and healthful vegetable for cats, it shouldn’t make up a large portion of their diet because it doesn’t provide them with much nutrition. Every now and then, a small spoonful of cooked sweet corn is acceptable, and if your cat puts their paws on any corn, it won’t hurt them.
Today, whether it is boiled, steamed, roasted, or grilled, its adaptability makes it a very popular cuisine. You might be wondering if your cat can eat maize given how popular it is among humans. The answer is that cats can consume corn without risk.
So let’s take a deeper look at how much, how frequently, and what kinds of maize your feline companion can safely eat.
Nutrient information
Corn has a sweet taste but is packed full of healthy goodness. Its high fiber content is great for gut health and can even help you to feel fuller for longer between meals. Fiber in your diet is also important to help reduce the risk of bowel cancer.
Corn is also rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C, which helps to protect the body’s cells against damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
Corn also contains carotenoids which help improve eye health. Other vitamins and minerals found in corn include vitamins B, E, and K, magnesium, and potassium.
Benefits Of Corn For Cats
Cats are obligate carnivores, so they get most of the nutrients they need to stay healthy from meat. But they still need to eat a balanced diet. Corn is packed with fiber, which helps keep your cat’s gut healthy. It supports healthy gut bacteria which reduces the risk of diabetes, obesity, diarrhea, constipation, and hairballs.
Corn is a good additional source of protein, which can be used for energy. Corn is also tasty, and easy to digest! But it is not used in cat foods as a source of nutrition. It is only used as a healthy filler, and to add flavor and texture to the food.
A small amount of corn added to your cat’s diet can be a tasty treat and is certainly not unhealthy or harmful. However, there are other healthier and more nutritionally balanced treats to offer to your feline friend.
Can A Cat Eat A Lot Of Corn?

Corn, like all treats and snacks should only make up 10% of a cat’s daily food intake.
Although corn is healthy and safe for cats to eat it should still be fed in moderation. This is because it doesn’t have a very high nutrient value on its own, and cats need to eat more meat than anything else.
Corn, like all treats, should be fed in moderation. Any treats and snacks should only make up 10% of a cat’s daily food intake. A small teaspoon of corn should be plenty for most cats. Too much could fill them up too quickly and not leave any room for their meaty food, which they need to consume to stay healthy.
Can A Cat Eat Corn Every Day?
Moderation is key when it comes to treats and snacks for your cat, and they should only make up 10% of their daily food intake. As a rule, cats should only eat corn once a week at the most, and in very small quantities.
Too much corn could cause an upset tummy, and if your cat fills up on corn they might not want to eat all their meat which contains the nutrients they need to survive and stay healthy.
What Are The Risks Of Eating Corn For Cats?

While plain cooked corn is safe for cats, corn husks, leaves, corn chips, cornflakes and popcorns are best avoided.
Corn is available in a variety of forms, and the safest way to feed it to your cat is cooked completely plain. Some corn-containing foods could be dangerous for your cat and are best avoided.
Cornstarch should be avoided, as it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. It could also trigger pancreatitis which is the inflammation of the pancreas causing further gastrointestinal symptoms and abdominal pain. This often leads to cats being hospitalized and put on IV fluids at the vet.
Corn husks and corn leaves are also risky for cats – they are very difficult to digest and could be a choking hazard.
Corn chips are best avoided, as they have a very high salt content. If you cat gets their paws on a tiny bit of corn chip, then you should not have anything to worry about. But cats can’t tolerate the salt content of these snacks – too much salt can cause severe dehydration and make your cat quite unwell. Corn chips might also contain other ingredients that could be harmful to your feline friend.
Corn flakes and kettle corn (or popcorn) are not safe for cats, as they have high sugar and fat content. These tasty snacks could give your cat an upset tummy, and too much sugar can lead to obesity, or trigger an episode of pancreatitis.
Do Cats Like The Taste Of Corn?
Cats like the taste of many human foods, and corn is no exception. Some cats might not be so keen, but most don’t mind the sweet taste and texture and corn!
Bottom Line
Corn is a safe and healthy veg for cats, however, it shouldn’t become a major part of their diet as it doesn’t offer them much nutritional value. A small teaspoon of cooked sweetcorn every so often is okay, and if your cat gets their paws on some corn, it certainly won’t harm them.
But some corn containing foods such as corn flakes, corn starch, corn chips, and kettle corn should be avoided as they could give your cat a rather upset tummy!