It goes without saying that cats enjoy the flavor of fish, so chances are you’ve occasionally given your cat stuff like tuna or sardines. Shrimps can be eaten by cats in moderation. The shells should be removed once they have been properly cooked without any seasoning or oils. Half to one shrimp per serving is sufficient because eating too many shrimps might lead to weight gain
The advantages of shrimp for cats
So, shrimp have a huge array of health benefits to humans, but what about cats?
Shrimp are a tasty, low-fat, low-calorie and protein-rich food source for cats. The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in shrimp also offer all the same benefits to cats as they do to humans.
Shrimp are a good source of B12, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and choline, which all can help maintain healthy skin, support a healthy heart and brain function, and reduce inflammation.
Cats can eat all parts of the shrimp, including the head and tail, but the shell should be avoided as it is a choking hazard.
How Much Shrimp Can A Cat Eat?
A small amount of shrimp is a tasty and nutritious treat for your cat.
Cats need to eat a complete and balanced commercial cat food containing all their essential nutrition to stay healthy. But adding fresh seafood will add variety and stimulate their senses. As this is a treat in addition to their usual food, half a shrimp for a small cat or one whole shrimp for a large cat would be plenty.
Although shrimp has many great nutritional benefits for cats, it can also be calorific and contribute to weight gain if given too frequently. Treats should only make up 10 percent of your cat’s daily food intake.
Although cats can eat raw shrimp, it is safer to feed it thoroughly cooked. Raw shrimp can contain harmful bacteria, pesticides and chemicals that could make your cat unwell, but bacteria are destroyed during the cooking process. Don’t use any oils or seasoning when preparing shrimp for your cat. It is safest to remove the shell as this can be a choking hazard.
The Risks Of Eating Shrimp For Cats
Don’t serve your cat the shells of shrimp as these can be choking hazards.
Although shrimp are a safe and tasty form of seafood for cats, there are a few risks that you need to be aware of.
Raw shrimp might contain contaminants, such as pesticides, chemicals and antibiotics that are put into the water where shrimp are farmed. These can still be present in the shrimp when it reaches supermarket shelves. Raw shrimp can also carry bacteria, such as E. coli or Salmonella.
You should cook shrimp before feeding it to your cat to destroy these nasty chemicals and bacteria. Remove the shell as it can be a choking hazard.
Shrimp served in oils, seasoning or brine can be harmful to cats. Brine has a high salt content—too much salt can cause extreme thirst, dehydration, lethargy and weakness, and can be fatal if not treated. Other seasoning and oils can be toxic or cause an upset tummy, so fried or battered shrimp are a big no for cats.
The other key thing to remember is that shrimp should only feature in your cat’s diet occasionally—too much causes weight gain and puts your cat at risk of developing diabetes.
Do Cats Like The Taste Of Shrimp?
Cats love most types of seafood, and shrimps are no exception. Your cat will most likely enjoy the taste of shrimp
In Conclusion
Cats can eat shrimps in small portions. They should be thoroughly cooked with no seasoning or oils, and the shells removed. Remember that too many shrimps can contribute to weight gain, so half to one shrimp per serving is plenty. Shrimps offer several nutritional benefits to cats and make a great tasty treat!